
L'Italia di Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier, pseudonym of Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris: architect, sculptor, painter, brilliant thinker of his time, a father of modern town planning and a master of the Modern Movement along with Mies van der Rohe, Gropius, Lloyd Wright and Aalto. MAXXI Architettura is devoting to this figure the exhibition L’Italia di Le Corbusier curated by Marida Talamona (18 October 2012 – 17 February 2013).
Le Corbusier, dal 1920 pseudonimo di Charles-Édouard Jeanneret: architetto, scultore, pittore, geniale pensatore del suo tempo, padre della moderna urbanistica e maestro del Movimento Moderno con Mies van der Rohe, Gropius, Lloyd Wright e Aalto. Il MAXXI Architettura gli ha dedicato la mostra L’Italia di Le Corbusier a cura di Marida Talamona (18 ottobre 2012 – 17 febbraio 2013).


Writers' windows by Matteo Pericoli

On November 27th the third floor of "Casa dei libri" opened its door. The space was created by the writer Andrea Kerbaker in Milan.


Design Miami

The eighth edition of Design Miami/, the global forum for design, will see a significant increase in exhibiting galleries specializing in 20th and 21st century collectible design. Held December 5-9, 2012 in Miami Beach, Florida, this year’s program will see a 25% increase in galleries, representing both emerging and iconic design works from around the globe.



A Torino dal 29 novembre al 2 dicembre torna il salone-evento dedicato all’edilizia e all’architettura sostenibile. L’obiettivo: raccontare agli operatori del settore e agli utenti finali, i privati, gli aggiornamenti sui sistemi costruttivi e le novità sui materiali e le attrezzature, concentrando sempre di più l’attenzione su eco-sostenibilità ed efficienza energetica.


RI3. RIduci RIusa RIcrea

Sette, Corriere della Sera e SetteGreen, in occasione della 2a edizione dei SetteGreen Awards, presentano una inedita collezione di scatti realizzati da Chris Broadbent per il 15° anniversario di Conai, Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi.


Four-cornered villa

© kuvio.com

The cross-like shape of this simple villa reaches towards four very different views. The space is open and defined at the same time. The exterior is treated black and the interior is very light. The building is well insulated and heated by wood only. There is no electricity or running water. The simple and ascetic life at the countryside differs dramatically from the hectic city life.


Anouk Vogel

© Jeroen Musch

Anouk Vogel's projects often oscillate between design and art.
She was born and grew up in Geneva, Switzerland. She studied landscape architecture at the Metropolitan University of Manchester in England where she graduated in 2001 with Honours and Distinction. After her studies she moved to the Netherlands. In 2007, after a few years of working for various firms like West 8, Bureau B+B and Inside/Outside, she set up her own landscape architecture practice in Amsterdam.


Open Design Italia

Federica Bubani

Over 80 designers will participate in the third edition of Open Design Italia 2012: the contest/exhibition/market that will connect local designers, companies and makers. The event will take place in Venice from November 23rd to 25th.


Un designer per le imprese

Dal 20 novembre presso la Triennale di Milano apre una mostra che coinvolge 150 designers e 25 aziende lombarde.

Clean Beaches Design Challenge

Cultural Entrepreneurship students investigate mircroplastic debris on an Oregon Beach. Photo: Laura DeVito '13
The Master of Fine Arts in Collaborative Design at Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA) in partnership with SOLVE is issuing the Clean Beaches Design Challenge, inviting teams of college students to design innovative solutions to clean up tsunami and other marine debris on Oregon beaches.


Istanbul: a week full of art

Art Istanbul: the first week-long celebration of contemporary culture held in one of the world's most extraordinary and culturally-rich cities. Art Istanbul will host a number of cultural activities, namely Turkey's leading international art fair, Contemporary Istanbul, and will also provide access to new cultural offerings, discussions and education programme working with the most prestigious institutions, museums, cultural centers and leading commercial galleries between November 19th and 25th.


Hepworth Wakefield Gallery

The Hepworth Wakefield is Yorkshire’s inspiring new art gallery, celebrating the area’s unique artistic legacy and exploring the work of major contemporary artists. Designed by David Chipperfield Architects, the ten superb gallery spaces make this one of the UK’s largest purpose-built galleries outside London. The gallery brings together work from Wakefield’s art collection, exhibitions by contemporary artists and rarely seen works by Barbara Hepworth.


Bord de mer

© Gabriele Basilico

Il Museo Pignatelli di Napoli ospiterà fino al 6 gennaio la mostra Bord de mer dedicata a Gabriele Basilico, a cura di Achille Bonito Oliva, con il progetto scientifico e il coordinamento di Umberto Zanetti.


Design Achievement Awards

Adobe Systems Incorporated announced the winners of its 12th annual Adobe Design Achievement Awards (ADAA) at the DesignThinkers 2012 conference in Toronto, Ontario.


La Cantina Bortolin Angelo

Monica Margarido
Sono stati recentemente resi noti i risultati del concorso "La Cantina Bortolin Angelo", bandito da Bortolin Angelo Spumanti Sas con il coordinamento di Agatv (associazione giovani architetti treviso).



Dal 7 all’11 novembre, si svolgerà l’ottava edizione di Paratissima. Nata come manifestazione off di Artissima, fiera internazionale di arte contemporanea, è diventata in pochi anni uno degli eventi di riferimento nel panorama artistico a livello nazionale. 

Results: Prodotti Tipici Industriali Design Contest

La sfida era ambiziosa: mettere in relazione le imprese piemontesi con designer di tutta Italia con l’obiettivo di valorizzare l’apporto che i progettisti possono dare nell’ideazione di oggetti d’uso quotidiano, partendo da semilavorati di origine industriale. 

10 x 10 Drawing the City

One hundred celebrity architects and artists, including Lord Foster, Zaha Hadid and Jake & Dinos Chapman, have all been let loose in London’s West End with pens, pencils, paintbrushes & sketchpads. Their diverse artistic interpretations of the cityscape has been brought together in a unique exhibition that is entitled 10 x 10 Drawing the City and runs for two weeks from November 1st to November 13th at Somerset House on the Strand.



Venerdì 9 novembre alle ore 18.30 presso OLINDA ARCHITETTURA SOSTENIBILE in via Rocciamelone 12D (TO) inaugura la personale di Frederic Anderson: La linea nuda - una visione scomposta.

Design for Travel in the Modern Age


Design has shaped and continues to transform our travel experiences. The moment you step into the airport, station or port you're entering a world that is curated and planned by designers: from the signage and layout, to the form and function of suitcases, to the style and dimension of your seat.


Prodotti Tipici Industriali design contest

Il 7 novembre alle ore 18.00 presso la sede dell’Unione Industriale di Torino, avrà luogo la premiazione del primo concorso promosso da Torino Lab, in collaborazione con l’Unione Industriale di Torino, dal titolo “Prodotti Tipici Industriali design contest”. 


Torino Design Week

Dal 5 al 10 novembre avrà luogo la quinta edizione della TORINO DESIGN WEEK, quest’anno dedicata al tema del lavoro e dello sviluppo d’impresa.


Conferenze di architettura contemporanea

Nei giorni 8, 14, 22 e 29 novembre, presso il Politecnico di Milano (Aula Rogers, via Ampère 2), sono state organizzate delle conferenze con alcuni protagonisti del panorama architettonico internazionale.
Ian Ritchie aprirà le danze l'8 novembre alle ore 17; seguiranno Odile Decq, Patrik Schumacher e Benedetta Tagliabue.

La partecipazione è libera, previa registrazione.


Farewell to Gae Aulenti

La Signora dell'Architettura è morta nella notte di mercoledì nella sua casa milanese.
The Lady of Architecture died on wednesday night in her house in Milan.

Digital Futures

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C Clarke